Soon To Be Deaf: How to Prepare, Advice, Expectations
If your hearing is getting worse, and you are concerned about life once you go deaf, then this is the right article for you. Click here to read more!

Living with the prospect of becoming deaf can bring about a mix of emotions, uncertainties, and questions. However, with the right preparation, support, and resources, the journey toward embracing deafness can be empowering and fulfilling. In this article, we will explore various aspects of preparing for deafness, define the term “soon-to-be deaf,” provide advice, and set realistic expectations to help individuals navigate this transition with confidence.
We believe individuals can thrive in their new deaf-centered reality. Here’s how:
1. Understanding the Term “Soon-to-be Deaf”
Defining the term "soon-to-be deaf" is essential to gain clarity and prepare for the challenges ahead. This term refers to individuals who are anticipating the onset of deafness or experiencing progressive hearing loss, recognizing the potential impact on their daily lives and communication abilities. By understanding this concept, soon-to-be deaf individuals can better prepare themselves and begin the process of adaptation by seeking out appropriate support.
2. Recognizing the Signs of Going Deaf
It is important to recognize the signs of going deaf so it can be addressed as early as possible to mitigate any impact on life going forward. For those who are soon-to-be deaf, the symptoms may include:
- Muffling of speech and other sounds.
- Trouble understanding words, especially when in a crowd or a noisy place.
- Trouble hearing the letters of the alphabet that aren't vowels.
- Often asking others to speak more slowly, clearly, and loudly.
- Needing to turn up the volume of the television or radio.
Tools such as the WHO “hearWHO” app and other technology-based solutions make it possible to screen for ear diseases and hearing loss with limited training and resources.
3. Understanding Medical Advice and Recommendations:

Medical professionals specializing in audiology can offer guidance on managing hearing loss and suggest appropriate interventions and resources. See a local audiologist in your area today. You could be fitted with hearing aids to maximize your auditory experiences. By understanding medical advice, treatment options, and lifestyle adjustments, soon-to-be deaf individuals can make informed decisions about their hearing health.
4. Understanding the Impact on Work and Education Opportunities:
Your upcoming deafness may bring changes to work and educational settings. It is essential to understand one's rights, explore workplace accommodations, and communicate effectively with employers and educators to ensure equal opportunities for your success. Engaging with disability support services and exploring assistive technologies can further enhance professional and educational experiences.
5. Benefits and Resources for Soon-to-be Deaf Individuals:

Once you know you are going deaf, prepare for the journey of deafness by gathering knowledge, building a support network (more on this later), and accessing resources.
These resources can include financial assistance, vocational training, communication devices, and counseling services. Exploring these resources can significantly enhance one's quality of life and facilitate a smoother transition. Governmental and non-profit organizations also offer a range of benefits and assistance programs specifically designed to support individuals with hearing loss. The Association of Late Deafened Adults (ALDA) can also be a great resource.
By proactively seeking information and reaching out to organizations, clubs, and professionals specializing in hearing loss, you can better equip yourself for the journey.
6. Accessing Social Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing:
Social services catered to the deaf and hard of hearing community can provide a wealth of support, including access to sign language interpreters, captioning services, and assistive technologies. The use of hearing assistive technology, and services such as frequency modulation and loop systems, alerting devices, telecommunication devices and apps (such as Nagish), captioning services and sign language interpretation, can further improve access to communication and education for people with hearing loss.
By engaging with these services, individuals who are becoming deaf can overcome communication barriers and actively participate in various aspects of life.
7. Joining Supportive Groups and Communities:

Connecting with support groups and communities can be immensely beneficial for soon-to-be deaf individuals. These communities provide a safe space to share common experiences, seek advice, and find encouragement from others who have navigated a similar journey. Mutual support and shared experiences can help ease the emotional and practical challenges associated with becoming deaf and help you cope with the transition. Connecting with others who are going through a similar experience can remind you that you are not alone in this.
8. Communicating with Family, Friends, and Colleagues
Effectively communicating your soon-to-be deaf status to your loved ones is a vital step in embracing deafness. By sharing this information openly and honestly, you build understanding, foster empathy, and establish a support network that will be invaluable throughout your transition. Engaging in open conversations paves the way for emotional and practical support, strengthening relationships and ensuring that you have a strong network of loved ones by your side as you navigate your deaf identity.
They can assist you in finding resources, learning sign language, or adjusting living and working environments to accommodate your listening needs. They can educate themselves with your support about hearing loss and its impact on their communication with you.
9. What is “Deaf Gain”?
For some, becoming deaf means that they gain exposure to the deaf community, should one choose to engage. For many who are deaf, this is described as a “Deaf Gain”. There is joy in welcoming a Deaf identity. A contemporary and vibrant Deaf culture is found within Deaf communities.
The worst thing you can do is deny yourself a comfortable hearing experience by trying to pass off as a fully functioning hearing person. Understanding that this is a permanent part of your future identity is pivotal in ensuring that you come to terms with the journey and secure the best accommodations you will eventually need.
10. Strategies for Effective Communication:
Lastly, developing effective communication strategies is paramount during the transition to deafness. This encompasses exploring alternative communication methods, such as sign language or assistive technologies, and honing skills for effective interaction in diverse social settings. By embracing different communication modalities, soon-to-be deaf individuals can maintain meaningful connections with others.

While the prospect of becoming deaf may initially seem daunting and challenging, it is important to remember that there is a wealth of information and resources available. By preparing in advance, seeking advice, and joining supportive communities, you can embrace your upcoming deafness with confidence, overcome challenges, and discover new people and opportunities. The journey toward deafness can be a transformative one, and we hope this article will help in some small way!