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Big News: Nagish is now FCC-certified for IP Relay Services! 🎉  Read the announcement

We are Nagish

Our Mission

Why we are here

Nagish means 'Accessible' in Hebrew.
Our mission is to make communication more accessible
We are building a set of AI-Powered communication tools
for a more equitable world.

Our values

We are building a communication bridge between people.

5-Star User Experience

All Nagish users have a dedicated point of contact at Nagish. We are here for you - whatever your needs are. Chat with us over a Nagish call, live chat, email, or VP.

Details Matter

Communication is one of life's most important aspects. A communication error can lead to dire consequences, which is why we never compromise on details in our work.

Make a change and own it

Nagish is a product of all of its contributors, not a brainchild of management. It's a co-effort between several communities to make communication more accessible for all.

People above all

We put people above everything else. Whether it's our team or our customers - It's the people who matter the most.
We care. We listen. We are here for YOU 💙.

Backed by

K5 GlobalCanaan Partners

Sounds Interesting? Come work with us!