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Benefits of Telehealth Services for Managing Hearing Loss

Is using telehealth a good choice for managing your hearing loss? Read on to learn about the many benefits of using virtual care!

Molly Glass
Molly Glass
Benefits of Telehealth Services for Managing Hearing Loss

When the coronavirus became widespread globally, it introduced the idea of virtual or telehealth services for patients. Is using telehealth a good choice for managing your hearing loss? Read on to learn about the many benefits of using virtual care! 

In 2020, over 50% of Americans turned to telehealth during the COVID-19 pandemic. While in-person visits have increased since 2023, approximately 17% of medical care is still conducted through telehealth services. Experts believe that number will only increase with ongoing technological advances

If you are deaf or hard of hearing, there are many benefits to using telehealth appointments for your hearing care. We’ve listed several advantages below:


Virtual appointments can be a step in the right direction regarding accessibility. Many virtual platforms allow for increased customization to your needs. Some options include automatic captioning, the use of video relay interpreting (VRI), the ability to control volume, and text chat for correspondence during the call. 

Some platforms also offer a transcription feature that can be downloaded for later review. Another feature is that some auto-captions can translate text into other spoken languages, such as Spanish. 

Unlimited by Geography

Virtual care means you can find and benefit from providers outside your local area. With a quality internet connection, you can access specialists anywhere in your country or even the world. While you’ll need confirmation from your insurance provider if these specialists are in-network, telehealth expands the number of available healthcare options.  

Increased Privacy

Receiving healthcare in the comfort of your home offers additional privacy. You don’t have to worry about running into anyone in your social network while out or taking leave from work with notice. The combination of privacy and a relaxed environment can help empower patients to be more involved in their healthcare. 

Family Participation

Telehealth can make it easier to have support persons with you, especially if they all live in the same household. A support person can ask questions, remind you of concerns you meant to raise, and provide emotional support if needed. 

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Telehealth offers convenience and cost savings. You save on transportation expenses, whether that’s gas for your vehicle or bus and taxi fares. It also provides access for those who have no access to transportation. In addition, it makes it easier for people who live in remote or rural areas to receive healthcare. 

Ease of Scheduling

In-person appointments often have long waiting times, sometimes up to a year. Providers are usually able to schedule telehealth appointments sooner, reducing waiting times. Virtual appointments are also easier to fit into your schedule when you remove the time accounted for traveling. You can schedule appointments between commitments during a work lunch break or at home. 

Remote Adjustments

Hearing assistive technology has significantly advanced in recent years. Many hearing aid brands can be programmed or mapped remotely, and telehealth allows you to receive device adjustments conveniently and sooner rather than later. 

Cost Savings

Telehealth billing can be more cost-effective than in-person visits, lowering medical expenses. This makes it easier to schedule follow-up appointments, which can lead to better patient outcomes. Additionally, you save money by not losing work income, avoiding travel expenses, and skipping meals out. 

Future Possibilities

An app on a smartphone that says “AI Doctor.”
An app on a smartphone that says “AI Doctor.”

The future of virtual care has many exciting possibilities. Here are a couple of trends to expect:

Hybrid Care

There is a likelihood of seeing more hybrid care options in the medical field. Hybrid care offers both in-person and virtual visits, depending on the complexity of the care involved. It is now possible to receive prescriptions virtually from a medical provider and use online pharmacies for delivery. Telehealth is slowly increasing to keep up with the demand for healthcare due to long wait times. 

AI Tools

We are amid AI advancements in many different sectors. Diagnostic tools that use AI will likely be available soon. Many providers already use AI for transcription, notes, and writing summaries. Medical providers with a large caseload will use AI if it saves time so they can work more efficiently on items they can complete. 


Are you new to the idea of using telehealth? We hope this article shows the many benefits of virtual care for your hearing health! From privacy to convenience, increased accessibility options, and cost savings, you can gain many advantages over in-person appointments. Telehealth can be another tool to enhance your healthcare experience. Consult your healthcare provider to see if telehealth is an option for you. We hope to see more improvements in patient care and accessibility as technology advances for telehealth.

Molly Glass
Molly Glass

Molly, a Deaf mom of two CODAs, lives with her hearing partner of almost 14 years in the scenic Blue Ridge mountains of Virginia. Profoundly Deaf since 18 months old, she enjoys writing about the lived Deaf experiences and advocacy. In her free time she reads, and is very slowly working on authoring her first book.

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