Using Hearing Aids with an Outdoor Lifestyle
Whether you’re involved in outdoor sports or are an avid runner, hiker, camper, etc., there are ways to make your hearing aids adapt to your needs!

Weatherproof Materials
There is a valid fear of exposing a highly intricate feat of engineering to the elements. However, with the right choice of aids, you can find peace of mind. Ask your audiologists about options made with weather-resistant materials.
For instance, Phonak produces a “waterproof” hearing aid, which is waterproof up to 1.64 feet of water. While it’s not ideal for swimming, it can provide a sense of security while running in the rain or sweating during a high-endurance exercise class.
Secure Fittings
A common fear is the aid falling out of the ear during extreme movements. However, there are solutions readily available. You can find headbands on Amazon and Etsy specifically designed for retention. These custom bands with clips attach to the hearing aid or cochlear implant, providing a secure fit. Some even have a special pocket for a processor to slide into, making your outdoor activities more comfortable and worry-free.
Another solution is to ensure you have frequent mold fittings. Molds can crack and deteriorate over time, so ideally, you should have fittings for new molds once or twice a year. A secure fit will help hold your aid into place even while active.
Head Protection

A common complaint about helmets for riding bikes or motorcycles is feedback from the shell being too close to the aid. To avoid this, look for helmets with clearance around the ear. Helmets designed to accommodate headphones would work well in this situation.
Bluetooth settings
Hearing aids with Bluetooth settings work well for the outdoors. They enable you to listen to music, GPS directions from your phone, or even a podcast. The advantage of Bluetooth features is that it eliminates background noise like wind, bird chirping, and other outdoor sounds.
Waterproof Containers
Waterproof sports cases are not just for smartphones and car keys. They’re also a great place to store your hearing aids in extreme elements, such as rafting on whitewater rapids. Many cases are attached to a lanyard you can wear for security.
If you need extra protection and peace of mind, there are also waterproof storage cases specially designed for hearing aids with custom molds to hold them in place.
Solar Powered Battery Chargers
The invention of rechargeable hearing aid batteries and aids was great - unless you’re a camper far away from a power source. Solar power banks are a great solution to keeping your batteries and aids charged. Mainstream power plugs for hearing aid chargers can work with a typical solar power bank.

However, if your hearing aids charge differently, there are solar rechargers specifically made for hearing aids. One such brand is Solar Ear, which sells the charger pictured above. It can also charge smartphones!
Using hearing aids in the great outdoors is doable with forethought and preparation. With the help of some accessories and planning, you can use your hearing aids to their fullest potential while enjoying your favorite activities!